Industry news

UN edict raises fuel prices by 25%, Maersk to sack 200

Published by December 04,2019

According to the Wall Street Journal, AP Moller-Maersk, the world's largest shipping company, will lay off about 200 people to cut costs because the company faces a 25% increase in fuel costs due to a UN mandate to reduce sulfur emissions.


A Maersk spokesman said: "We have announced internally the need to save costs on headquarters functions, which will also lead to layoffs in Denmark and abroad.




Sources said the company's headquarters in Copenhagen and Maersk's German container operator Hamburg Sud, which it acquired in 2017, will cut jobs.


Maersk will focus on more end-to-end logistics, warehousing and customs clearance. A source familiar with the matter said: "Maersk needs to establish our non-marine services, which will affect marine services."




The source said that after the merger with Hamburg South, the information technology sector's work overlapped. Initially, Maersk Group reduced the workforce by 200 to about 900 after taking over the company.


Maersk has 75,000 employees in more than 120 countries. The parent company reported in the third quarter that its net profit for the third quarter was $ 520 million, an increase of 30% year-on-year.

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